ART016 Pallet Truck Chock

A pallet truck chock provide a solution for securing pallet trucks when not in use. They can be used in warehouses or on the back of lorries to prevent the pump trucks from rolling away.

The pallet truck stop is made of a durable, stable rubber with a slot placed in the middle to secure the pallet truck wheel(s) in place.The underneath of the product has a criss-cross designed to provide a firm grip to any solid flooring.

By securing your pallet trucks this will prevent any damage that would occur when transporting these products or when they are not in use. It can also tidy up your warehouse by keeping the trucks secure in a storage area, making the area look pristine.


Видови на Equipment Mover

Pallet truck chockPallet truck stopper Pallet truck stop pallet jack stop


  • HOLD YOUR PALLET TRUCK IN PLACE. Just pull it into this Pallet Truck Stop and it's parked in less than 2 seconds
  • RUBBER CONSTRUCTION. Special design at the bottom to increase friction on the ground and the chassis is supported by the stop
  • THE SLOPE DESIGN. The wheel is hanged to prevent moving and one side of the slope design is easy to enter
  • Protects freight and equipment from damage caused by a drifting pallet jack
  • Quality Guarantee.If you have any further questions, please let us know - we will be happy to assist you


Должинамилиметри (во)350(13.8)690(27.2)
Ширинамилиметри (во)300(11.8)390(15.4)
Висинамилиметри (во)60(2.4)80(3.1)
Gross Weightkg(lb)2.6(5.7)4.2(9.2)
Net Weightkg(lb)2.4(5.3)3.6(7.9)


Послепродажна услуга:

  1. Секоја опрема доаѓа со инструкции за спецификации.
  2. Ограничена гаранција од една година (не вклучува додатоци / делови за потрошен материјал).
  3. Професионален сервисен персонал.
  4. Поддршка за резервни делови.


Pallet truck chockпроизводител:

Како професионален производител на разни видови на материјали за ракување и кревање производи, Pallet truck chockе еден од нашите главни производи. Во прилог на ова, ние исто така може да се произведуваат различни видови на палети камиони, stackers, лифт маси, виљушкари, кран и така натаму. Ако сакате да го купите оваPallet truck chock, можете да ни пратите е-пошта или други начини наведени во страната.

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